
Chapter 4
4.7 Sonic Radar
Sonic Radar is a head-up display (HUD) designed for First Person Shooting (FPS) games,
that shows the precise direction and intensity of where a sound is coming from. In-game
sound including gunshots, footprints, voice call-outs, or even a ticking bomb, is visualized as
radar signals on the Sonic Radar display - this provides you the advantage to know potential
threats and act accordingly.
Sonic Radar also features a sound enhancer that amplies a desired frequency band and
minimizes ambient noise to help make the sound more clear.
4.7.1 Main menu
To launch Sonic Radar, go to the Desktop then click Start > All Programs > Sonic Radar >
Sonic Radar or go to the taskbar then double-click .
Sonic Radar is automatically installed when you install the Realtek Audio drivers for your
ROG motherboard with SupremeFX.
Sonic Radar display
Shows the intensity and direction
of where a sound is coming from.
An identical display can be seen
on your in-game screen.
Game Detection
Click to enable or disable
automatic loading of
optimum game preset
depending on detected type
of game launched.
Radar Selection
Click items to select which
type of threat to show on the
Sonic Radar Display
Advance Settings
Click to congure the
smoothness, opacity and
position of Sonic Radar
Display. Also, click if you
wish to congure the
shortcut keys.
Game Presets
Click to select optimal
preset for your FPS
Click to show or hide
the Game presets
Click to exit
Click to minimize window
Click to show software