Chapter 4. Administrator Utility
Replacing the Master KM0832 with a Slave KM0832
If you replace the master (first-level) KM0832 with a slave (lower-level)
KM0832, the new master KM0832 will ask you to confirm whether you want
to keep the system settings of the previous KM0832. If you choose to keep the
settings, all groups, users, and port notes will be retained. However, some
system settings such as date, time, station name, and Webpage Session
Timeout may be lost. If you choose to discard the settings, the KM0832 will
return to the original factory default settings. The KM0832 cannot be accessed
until you have completed this procedure.
To replace the master KM0832 with a slave KM0832:
1. Login to the KM0832 Administrator Utility. A Webpage appears that asks
you to confirm whether you want to keep the system settings.
2. Click Ye s to keep the system settings of the previous master KM0832.
Click No to discard the system settings and return to the original factory
default settings.
3. The KM0832 automatically resets and returns to the login screen. Now
you may access the KM0832.