Chapter 6. Port Access
Outlets that are On have their icons in Amber; the icons are Gray for
outlets that are Off.
To access and operate a port, double click its icon. Port operation details
are discussed in Chapter 12, Port Operation.
Note: 1. In the Browser version, you can open as many port viewers as
there are ports, but the number of ports that you see depends on
the number of buses that the switch supports. For example, if the
switch supports 4 buses, the 5th viewer displays the same port as
the 1st viewer; the 6th viewer displays the same screen as the 2nd
viewer, etc.
In the AP GUI version you can only access one port at a time. To
see two different ports, you would have to log in two separate
2. If the CC Management function is enabled (see page 158), PON
devices and Blade Servers do not appear in the Sidebar, even if
they are configured on the switch. This is because they are
managed via the CC server.
Sidebar Utilities
The AP GUI version Port Access Connections page provides a convenient
method to work with the Sidebar tree. When you right-click an item, a list with
two options pops up – Expand/Collapse and Copy, as explained below:
Item User Type Explanation
If the device’s ports are nested (not displayed), the
dialog box entry is Expand. Click Expand to display
the nested ports.
If the device’s ports are displayed, the dialog box
entry is Collapse. Click Collapse to nest the ports.
Note: 1. This item only appears for switches, or for
ports that have connected child devices
2. This has the same effect as clicking the + or -
in the tree structure.
Copy Administrators
This item is only available for ports. After selecting
Copy, you can Paste the port into the Favorites page.
See Adding a Favorite, page 109 for details