KVM Over the NET™ User Manual
Certificate Signing Request
The Certificate Signing Request (CSR) section provides an automated way of
obtaining and installing a CA signed SSL server certificate.
To perform this operation do the following:
1. Click Create CSR. The following dialog box appears:
2. Fill in the form – with entries that are valid for your site – according to the
example information in the following table:
Information Example
Country (2 letter code) TW
State or Province Taiwan
Locality Taipei
Organization Your Company, Ltd.
Unit Techdoc Department
Common Name mycompany.com
Note: This must be the exact domain name of the site
that you want the certificate to be valid for. If the site’s
domain name is www.mycompany.com, and you only
specify mycompany.com, the certificate will not be valid.
Email Address administrator@yourcompany.com