System Features—For Administrator Only
Button-Free Line Operation Enables users to have access to all
• Gives users of 5-button voice
lines without using up buttons.
terminals more buttons for custom
Call Restriction
Enables administrator to adjust any
• Prevents telephone abuse.
Outward Call Restriction
voice terminal so that no outside
• Voice terminals in public places
calls can be made on it or so that no can be restricted to inside or local
Toll Call Restriction toll calls can be made on it.
calls only.
• Controls telephone costs.
Line Administration
Makes it possible for administrator • Line assignments can be custom-
to assign any combination of lines
ized to control costs.
to any voice terminal.
• Personal lines can be assigned to
appropriate people.
• Lines can be reassigned easily.
System Reset
Enables administrator to set system
• All administration and pro-
back to initial feature assignments.
gramming is erased and initial
feature assignments are reset on
voice terminals.
System Speed Dial
Enables administrator to enter up to
• Gives each person in the system
40 different numbers so that each
access to frequently called numbers.
System Speed Dial with Restriction
number can be dialed by using a • Employees can access authoriza-
three-character code. The same set
tion codes administrator does not
of numbers is available to users at
want to divulge.
all voice terminals. Only the admin-
• Phones otherwise restricted from
istrator can program System Speed
placing long-distance calls can still
Dial numbers. use System Speed Dial.
Touch-Tone/Rotary Option
Makes it possible for
• Convenience of push-button
tern to work with either Touch-Tone dialing with less expensive
or rotary lines.
rotary lines.