Fixed Features
Call Pickup
Makes it possible for someone • Answer another person’s phone
who hears a voice terminal ringing
without leaving desk.
to answer it from another voice
• People who move around from one
place to another can answer calls
Call Waiting
Provides brief ring or voice announce-
• Employees do not have to worry
ment from speaker and flashing
about missing important calls
green light to indicate that another
while on telephone.
call has come in for person.
• Reduces need for taking messages.
Enables person to join two outside
• Have a question answered by
lines to make a three-way confer-
adding another person to call—no
ence call. Two additional inside peo-
need for time-wasting callbacks.
ple can join the conference by lifting
• If two outside people want to talk
their handsets and touching the
to each other, originator of call can
busy line button.
conference them together, put
them on hold, and be free to do
other business.
• Employee who is working at home
and wants to make a long distance
call can call the office and be con-
ference to WATS line.
Distinctive Ringing
Voice terminal rings differently for
• Know where call is coming from
incoming, transferred, and intercom
and answer accordingly.
Disconnects a person from a
• Drop a person from a conference
conference call.
call while maintaining contact with
others in privacy.
• Drop a busy or unanswered
line that has been added to a
conference call.
Group Listening
Turning on the speaker lets every-
• Eliminates extra calls because
one in the room hear the person on
other people in room can hear both
the other end.
sides of conversation.
Makes it possible to keep someone
• Answer a second call or attend to
on the line without communication. another matter.
Green light next to line button that is
• Have confidential conversation
on hold flashes rapidly. Green lights
without person on hold hearing it.
next to line buttons on which others
• Distinguish line button on
are holding calls flash at slower
which you are holding a call from
rate. (See also Music-on-Hold.) buttons on which other people are
holding calls.