Hardware Installation
Onboard RAM Configuration Jumpers
If additional memory has been added to the motherboard, the onboard
RAM configuration must be set to 8 MB.
On the 6386/25 WGS (Version 1)
Leave the jumper between pins E60 and E62 in place.
Remove the jumper between pins E63 and E65 and place it
between pins E61 and E63.
On the 6386/25 WGS (Version 2)
Leave the jumper between pins E29 and E30 in place.
2. Leave the jumper between pins E36 and E37 in place.
3. Leave the jumper between pins E38 and E39 in place.
Remove the jumper between pins E33 and E34 and place it
between pins E32 and E33.
On the 6386E/33 WGS
Leave the jumper between pins E6 and E8 in place.
Remove the jumper between pins E11 and E13 and place it
between pins E7 and E9.