Hardware Installation
Serial Port Configuration Jumpers
Serial port COM2 must be disabled since its interrupt request (IRQ) will be
used by another board.
On the 6386/25 WGS (Version 1), remove the jumper between pins E25
and E26, and place it between pins E26 and E27.
On the 6386/25 (Version 2), remove the jumper between pins E14 and
E15 and place it between pins E15 and E16.
On the 6386E/33 WGS, remove the jumper between pins E34 and E35,
and place it between pins E35 and E36.
Replacing Disk Drive Cables
If the disk drive cables have been disconnected either to allow insertion of
additional memory or to make it easier to install the tape drive, they
should be reconnected as follows:
The wide gray cable with two connectors attached near the back of
the disk controller board is the hard disk data cable. Attach either
connector (whichever fits better) to the matching connector on the
hard disk.
The narrow gray cable next to the wide gray cable is the hard disk
control cable. Attach the connector to the matching connector on
the hard disk.
The yellowish-green cable with two connectors attached near the
middle of the disk controller board is the floppy control and data
Attach the end connector to the matching connector on the
disk drive.
Route and fold the cables carefully so that they will not
interfere with the cover.