Optional Features and Equipment
Attendant Intercom Selector
Makes it possible for attendant to
Attendant can dial intercom
handle system having up to 70
numbers easily.
voice terminals using only 30 lnter-
Attendant has Intercom Auto
com Auto Dial buttons. (See also Dial button for everyone in
Intercom Auto Dialing.)
Attendant can use buttons for
manual signaling.
● No need for attendant to
remember intercom numbers
— buttons can be labeled
with names.
● Green light next to each but-
ton lets attendant know when
person is busy on a call.
Automatic Multipurpose Adapter
Makes it possible to connect
● Modem can be added for
manually and automatically oper- manual and automatic data
ated accessories to any
communication with computer.
system voice terminal. Requires
Answering machine can be
programmable button on voice ter-
connected for automatic
minal. (See also Manual Multi-
answering of outside lines
purpose Adapter.)
and recording messages.
Cordless telephone can be
Basic Telephone Module
Allows connection of basic Touch-
Your business can use old
Tone and rotary telephones to
Cost savings.
Diagnostics Module
Enables testing of memory and
Quick identification of mal-
troubleshooting of individual line
functioning components.
and voice terminal modules.
Extra Alert
Makes it possible to provide audi-
● Used to alert people in noisy
ble or visual signal by means of areas that telephone is ring-
Required Equipment:
alerting devices such as bells,
● Services Module in control
horns, or strobe lights. System can
● Used with Night Service to
accommodate alerting devices in alert people who are working
up to three different areas of build- Iate to pick up incoming calls
ing. Your business must supply by means of Call Pickup.
alerting devices. (See also Night