Follow these steps to program line ringing:
1. Set the voice terminal to program mode by following the boxed instructions on
page 30.
2. Touch the outside line button that you want to program until the red light beside
it shows the appropriate code. Each successive touch gives you one of these
= Ring
= Delayed ring
= No ring
3. Repeat Step 2 for each line that you want to program.
4. If you have more options to program on this voice terminal, do so. Otherwise, slide
the T/P switch to the center position to return to normal operation.
The Call Coverage feature is useful for people who cover calls for others with whom
they do not share lines. A
button permits coverage of inside, transferred, and
outside calls, and takes care of all lines on the covered telephone. The lights next
to a
button work just like the lights next to any line button, but you cannot
use a
button to make a call.
button maybe programmed for primary or secondary coverage. Secondary
coverage provides a second backup. Suppose, for example, that you assign Jim
primary coverage for Susan’s telephone. Then each time a call rings at Susan’s phone
it will also ring at Jim’s phone. You can program Jim’s phone to ring immediately or
after a delay on Susan’s calls. But to make certain that Susan’s calls are answered
when both Susan and Jim are away from their desks, you assign secondary coverage
with delayed ring for Susan’s telephone to Dick. This means that when a call comes
in for Susan, it will ring twice at Susan’s telephone and twice at Jim’s telephone (either
immediately or after a delay) and then start ringing at Dick’s telephone. Jim’s calls
will not ring at Dick’s telephone, however, unless you assign primary coverage for
Jim’s calls to Dick. With this system, up to five people can have
buttons for
a single telephone.
Here are some suggestions for programming
Primary coverage. Assign primary coverage to someone who must screen some-
one else’s calls, but does not share all lines with that person. A secretary who
answers a boss’s calls, for example, would be assigned primary coverage of the
boss’s telephone. You may program a primary
button for either immediate
or delayed ring, depending upon the situation and personal preferences.
Secondary coverage. Assign secondary coverage to anyone who is a second
backup for the covered telephone, such as a personal secretary who covers calls
for a group secretary when the group secretary doesn’t answer calls for which
he or she has a primary
button. In most cases, a secondary
ton would be programmed for delayed ring.
If all calls in your business come in through the attendant’s console, a
button for the console set to no ring is useful for people who sometimes work
during times when the attendant is not on duty. In this way, they can tell by the
flashing green light that someone is calling, and can answer the call if they wish,
but do not have to be bothered by ringing during regular business hours.