Doorphone Extension (#604 and #605)
These System Programming procedures identify extensions to which
doorphones are connected. A doorphone is usually placed near an entrance, to
screen visitors. You can connect up to two doorphones to the system—use
Doorphone 1 Extension (#604) to identify the extension to which the first
doorphone is connected and Doorphone 2 Extension (#605) to identify the
extension to which the second doorphone is connected.
Related Features
You must use Doorphone Alert Extensions (#606) to identify the
extensions that signal when the doorphone button is pressed. Each
doorphone can signal any number of alert extensions.
To prevent outside calls from being made or received on the doorphone,
use Line Assignment (#301) to remove all outside lines from the doorphone
extension. (Automatic Line Selection for the doorphone extension is
automatically set to intercom first.)
You can use Message Light On with the doorphone (for example, to turn on
the doorphone’s light as a prearranged signal to a delivery person) provided
the doorphone is connected to an R3.1 206 module and the system is
equipped with an R3.1 processor module.
An extension cannot be used for a doorphone and a hotline at the same
time. However, hotlines and doorphones can have the same alert
You cannot assign doorphones to extensions 10, 11, 16, 17, 22, 23, 28, 29,
34, 35, 40, 41, 46, 47, 52, and 53.
Remove voice messaging system mailboxes from doorphone extensions.
You cannot bridge two doorphones together.
Valid Entries
Extensions 12–15, 18–21, 24–27, 30–33, 36–39, 42–45, 48–51, 54–57
None assigned ✔
To program a doorphone extension:
Press [
Feature ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ System Program ] [ System Program ] [ # ] [ 6 ] [ 0 ] [ 4 ] for
doorphone 1 (or [
] [
] [
] [
] for doorphone 2).
2. Enter the doorphone extension number. For example, to identify extension 20
as a doorphone extension, press [
] [
3. Select another procedure or exit programming mode.
Doorphone Extension (#604 and #605)