Extension number
The number assigned to each extension jack on a
206 module. Extension numbers run consecutively
from 10 through 57 (for a two-carrier configuration)
and are used for intercom calling.
Extension Name Display
A feature that lets users assign a name to their
extension. The name appears along with the
extension number on system display phones when
users make an intercom call or a group call, or
transfer a call.
Extension Programming
A method of telephone programming that lets users
program their own extensions from their system
phones. See also Centralized Telephone
Fax Management button
A system phone button with lights that is
programmed with the extension number of a fax
machine. A user can monitor the lights next to this
button to determine when the fax machine is in use,
available, or not answering.
Feature phone
An industry-standard phone that includes
programmable buttons or other built-in features.
Forced Account Code Entry
A system setting that forces users at specified
extensions to enter an account code before making
a call. See also Account code and Forced Account
Code List.
Forced Account Code List
An optional list of account codes that the system
checks when a user enters a forced account code.
If the forced account code entered by the user is on
the list (valid), the user gets access to an outside
line: if not, the user is denied access.
400 module
The AT&T equipment component that has line jacks
for connecting up to four outside lines to the control
Group Call Distribution
A system setting that automatically directs incoming
calls on specific lines to a Hunt Group. See also
Hunt Group and VMS Hunt Group.
Hotline phone
A standard phone at an extension set to ring
another extension automatically when the handset
is lifted.
Hunt Group
A group of extensions that takes incoming or
transferred calls in round-robin fashion. Calls to the
Hunt Group are directed to the first available
extension in the group, with the extension that
answered most recently being the last one in the
hunt order. See also VMS Hunt Group and Calling
See Caller ID.
Industry-standard device
A telephone or other telecommunications device
that can be connected directly to the public
telephone network. See also Standard phone and
Proprietary device.
Intercom Autodialer
An auxiliary device that can be connected to the
system phones at extensions 10 and 11. The
device has Auto Dial buttons for all of the
extensions in the system, which can be used for
dialing or transferring calls to extensions with one
Intercom Auto Dial button
A button that is programmed to ring or page
another extension whenever the button is pressed.
The button can be used to call the extension or to
transfer a call to the extension with one touch; the
lights next to the button also show calling activity for
the extension.