ASAI Script Builder Actions
■ -4 — ASAI link is down and call information cannot be received from the
switch. Refer to Appendix D, “Troubleshooting ASAI” for information on
troubleshooting the ASAI digital link.
■ -5 — Illegal request. The channel requesting the information is not a chan-
nel assigned by an ASAI domain to receive event messages. Make certain
that you are using A_Event only in a non-voice script. Refer to Chapter 4,
"ASAI Administration" for information.
When developing a program using Script Builder, A_Event returns an integer
value in the Return Field to indicate the type of event (ABANDON, END, CON-
NECT, ROUTE REQUEST, or ABNORMAL ROUTE END) that is being reported.
The possible values 65, 67, 69, 82, or 114 correspond to the ASCII representation
of the first letter for each type of message.
For example, if an ABANDON is being reported, you may use the following evalu-
ate statement:
if ReturnCode = “‘A’”
is the same as
if ReturnCode = 65
65 = “‘A’” — ABANDON
67 = “‘C’” — CONNECT
69 = “‘E’” — END
82 = “‘R’” — ROUTE REQUEST
114 = “‘r’” — ABNORMAL ROUTE END