ASAI Script Builder Actions
Figure 6-3. Define A_RouteSel Form Screen def_route.ps
Each of the fields in the Define A_RouteSel screen must contain a field name or
constant which returns the following information. Refer to Table 6-5 for a summary
of the information in each of these fields.
You should specify only ‘num’ field types for those fields in the Define
A_RouteSel screen that return numbers, that is, specify ‘num’ fields or con-
stants for those fields that are of type ‘num.’
The “Destination Number” field contains either a number or the name of a field
which contains a number indicating where the call is to be routed. The Destina-
tion Number must be a valid extension number (for example, ACD hunt group
extension, VDN, or station) or external address (for example, Direct Distance Dial-
ing Number). The Destination Number may be up to 20 digits in length. If calls are
routed to a number that is not on the switch, the Destination Number may contain
a Trunk Access Code or Automatic Alternate Routing/Automatic Route Selection
prefix digit.
A route request may be rejected by setting the field identified by the “Desti-
nation Number” field to the null string. In this case, the call will not be
adjunct routed. Subsequent treatment for the call depends on what type of
default vector processing has been administered on the switch.