Optional Features and Equipment
Extra Alert
Provides a connection for alerting
• Alert people in noisy areas that
devices such as bells, horns, or
telephone is ringing.
Required Equipment:
strobe lights in up to three different
• Type III cartridge in control unit areas of building. Your business
must supply alerting devices.
General Purpose Adapter
Connects telephone accessories to
• Modem can be added for data
system telephone.
communication with computer.
• Cordless telephone or basic
Touch-Tone or rotary telephone
can be added.
Hands-Free Unit Provides full speakerphone capa-
• Hands-free telephone conversa-
bility. Requires programmable
tion from anyplace in room.
button on voice terminal.
• Hands-free answering on intercom.
• One-touch answering of outside
• On-hook dialing.
• Monitor-on-hold.
• Teleconferencing—other people
in room can participate in
Headset and Headset Adapter
Enables attendant to handle calls
• Hands-free speaking and listening.
without lifting handset.
Loudspeaker Paging
Makes it possible to page others on
• Attendant can quickly locate
loudspeaker system. Your business
people who are away from their
Required Equipment:
must supply paging system.
desks or normal work areas.
• Type II cartridge in control unit
Makes it possible to provide callers
• People on hold know they have not
with music when they are put on been forgotten and are willing to
Required Equipment: hold. Your business must provide
hold on longer.
• Type II cartridge in control unit
music source, such as tape player
• Projects pleasant business image.
or FM radio.
Off-Premises Telephone Interface
Makes it possible to have telephones
• Telephones in remote locations
off premises connected to
may be connected to
Required Equipment: system. Auto-dial telephones such
• Basic Touch-Tone telephone off as the TOUCH-A-MATIC
7104 are
• Selected employees may have
recommended for this purpose. telephone at home connected to
User instructions are supplied with
Off-Premises Interface.
Power Failure Transfer
Permits connection of two basic
• Telephone service continues
Touch-Tone or rotary telephones to despite power failure.
Required Equipment:
which the system automatically
• Type III cartridge in control unit switches service if power fails.