Programming Individual Voice
Terminals to Meet Office Priorities
After you have finished adjusting the control unit and administering features from the
administrator/attendant voice terminal, you can then turn to more specific features
that depend on how you run your office. If you wish, you may program individual
telephones to coordinate with your office’s systems and priorities. For example, is
the boss going to answer his or her own phone or is someone else going to screen
the calls? Is the receptionist going to answer all the calls that come in or will some
calls be routed directly to the sales department? When the sales manager makes
outside calls, are they always long distance calls made on your company’s WATS
lines or will there be many local calls as well? Each office has its own special
channels and priorities and the
system can be customized to meet these
You may also choose to leave voice terminal programming up to the individuals using
the voice terminals. Refer them to the User’s Guide: Models 206, 410, and 820 with
Feature Package 2.
With Feature Package 2, you can program how each outside line rings on each
phone when a call comes in. You can have some lines ring at one telephone and other
lines at other phones. As a result, calls not only get answered, they get answered
by the right person.
• When the system is first installed, all lines on all telephones ring for every
incoming call.
• People responsible for answering incoming calls–usually receptionists or
secretaries-should have the lines on their telephones programmed to Ring. (See
"Special Information for the System Attendant" page 34.)
• People who do not normally answer incoming calls should have their lines
programmed to No Ring. The phone will ring, however, for transferred and
intercom calls specifically directed to that telephone.
• Provide backup coverage by having a line ring only after it has rung somewhere
else first and not been answered there.
Here’s how to program line ringing:
• go to the voice terminal whose line ringing you want to program
• slide T/P switch toward you
• touch a line button (note red lights)
• touch the button again until correct code appears:
= Ring
RED FLASH = Delayed Ring
= No Ring
• repeat this procedure for each line
• return T/P switch to center position.
NOTE: This does not affect ringing on intercom calls or transferred calls.
This is a nice feature for two reasons. First, you have the convenience of lifting the
handset and getting a free line without pressing a button. Second, you never intrude
on someone else’s call.