6. Care of Your Avalon Loudspeakers
Your Ascendant loudspeakers are finished with a high quality furniture lacquer. This is a modern finish
which is beautiful yet durable, and requires only minimal attention. The speaker should be dusted with a
soft, non-abrasive cloth. Using the supplied furniture cream
or equivilent and a lint free polishing cloth
carefully wipe the cabinet.
Grille Assembly
The grille assembly may be removed from the cabinet and gently vacuumed to remove dust. If the felt insert
is removed, please note the inside-outside orientation when re-installing it. The hole for the tweeter is
beveled on the side toward the listener, to provide optimal dispersion characteristics.
The drivers (woofers and tweeter) require no regular maintenance. Do not attempt to clean the tweeter dome,
as it is easily damaged. If desired, you may remove dust from the woofer cone by using a small, soft dusting