of depth enhances the feeling of involvement when listening, due to the three-dimensional solidity of images.
Therefore, it is more important to have a greater distance from the speakers to the rear wall than to the side
walls. Typically, this is easier to achieve if the speakers are placed along the short wall of the listening room.
8.6 A Listening Room Example
In order to make these points more clear, an example of a room layout is given in Figure 8.9, illustrating
the principles we have given.
Figure 8.9 - Example listening room. The area around the speakers is free of objects that would produce
early reflections. A tapestry is hung opposite the draperies to absorb the reflection from the side-wall and to
help maintain left right symmetry. The area behind the listening position contains items which help break-up
standing waves and flutter echoes. Heavily upholstered sofas will help avoid low-frequency standing waves,
while a carpet absorbs early reflections from the floor.