
22 Avaya IR R2.0 Troubleshooting
Subprog to sbFaxHpr failed (internal).
IRAPI call failed (internal).
Wrong subprog message was received (internal).
Max. sbFaxHpr instances was reached (internal).
Reviewing fax repair procedures
When problems arise with fax operations, the Message Log Report screen might display
various events related to fax operations. The Explain text and help topics for these events
include suggested repair procedures. If you see fax events in the Message Log Report
screen, review the related repair procedures to determine your course of action.
Fax text or file not found
Take action depending on whether the problem occurred in transmission or receipt of the fax:
Request to transmit a fax file to the caller failed: Verify, using either the Fax Loading and
Printing screen or the full path specified in the voice response application, that the file
Caller did not receive the fax: Consider manually transmitting the fax message to the
caller by using the delivery number contained in the error message.
Host interaction problems
This section contains very basic information on problems that might occur when a IR system
interacts with a host system. Most often, you will work with the vendor of your host system to
resolve these issues.
Host sessions recover repeatedly
To resolve the problem:
1. Go to the Message Log Report screen (Reports > Message Log Report) and check for
messages related to the trouble.
Alarms related to host interaction begin with the letters HOST, and range in severity from
minor to critical.
2. Verify that a Transaction Base screen has been specified.
3. Verify that the Login and Recovery sequences both keep the host session at a
Transaction Base screen.