
48 Avaya IR R2.0 Troubleshooting
Performing root cause failure analysis
The Sun OpenBoot Diagnostics system performs root cause failure analysis on various IR
devices by testing internal registers, confirming subsystem integrity, and verifying device
functionality. Refer to the service manual for your platform:
Sun Blade 150 Service Manual
Sun Fire 280R Server Service Manual
These documents are available in Avaya IR System Help (under "Print documents") or from
the Sun Web site (http://www.sun.com).
Restoring cards and channels
Channels and voice operations cards on the IR system can go out of service for a variety of
reasons. When that happens, following the procedures presented in this section may restore
channels, NMS cards, or VOIP cards to service. Most out-of-service conditions are the result
of administration errors or intermittent problems, rather than actual hardware failures. By
taking the time to troubleshoot, you may be able to resolve the problem yourself.
When you troubleshoot problems with cards and channels, bear in mind that as long as even
one channel on a card is operating, the card will be in the in service (INSERV) state. If a card
is out of service, all channels connected to the card are not operating.
Restoring MANOOS cards and channels
The MANOOS (manually out of service) state is the result of one of the following events:
A user requested that the card or channel be taken out of service.
An internal error put the card or channel in this state to allow for an attempted recovery.
To restore a channel or card in the MANOOS state:
1. Type restore channel channel # or restore card card# and press Enter.
channel # and card # represent the number of card or channel you want to restore.
2. Go to the Display Equipment screen (Configuration Management > Voice Equipment >
Display Equipment) to determine if the card or channel has returned to the INSERV state.
The card of channel may remain in the MANOOS state or go to another out-of-service
3. If the card or channel has not returned to the INSERV state, contact your Avaya support