34 Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration
The first time you start ASP Manager, it will ask you to specify the “main” server. To do so,
complete the following steps:
1. Enter the server name.
2. Enter the server’s IP Address.
To determine the server’s IP address, you can ask your LAN/WAN administrator, or
you can gather this information from the server itself, as follows:
a. Log in to the MultiVantage software on that server using your favorite system
administration tool.
b. Type display ip-interface and press Enter.
c. Look for the C-LAN board and note the value in the
Node Name field.
d. Then type list node-name and press Enter.
e. Look for the Node Name you noted from the previous screen.
Next to it will be the IP Address for that C-LAN board.
3. Enter the number of the IP Network port on this server’s C-LAN board that ASP
Manager should use to communicate with this server.
This is a IP Network port number (for example, 5000), not a ”switch” port address. To
determine the IP Network port, you can ask your LAN/WAN administrator, or you can
gather this information from the MultiVantage software itself, as follows:
a. Log in to the MultiVantage software on this server using your favorite system
administration tool.
b. Type display ip-interfaces and press Enter.
c. Look for the C-LAN board and note the value in the
Node Name field.
d. Then type display ip-services and press Enter.
e. In the
Local Node field, look for the Node Name you noted from the previous
Next to it, in the
Local Port field, will be the IP Network port for that C-LAN