Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration 9
Avaya™ ATM WAN Spare Processor Manager (ASP Manager) is a client-server application
that allows you to upload translations from Avaya MultiVantage™ software on a “main”
server and download them to multiple WAN spare processors (WSPs) simultaneously,
according to a schedule you specify. This chapter explains roughly how the application
works, explains security considerations, and summarizes the installation process.
The ASP Manager client now runs on Windows XP Professional in addition to all previously
supported platforms. Also, ASP Manager now allows you to specify a name of your own
choosing when you set up email notification, and it allows you to manually test your email
notification configuration. Finally, upload and download speeds have improved.
ASP Manager copies translations from MultiVantage software on the “main” server to its
WSPs as follows.
When ASP Manager copies translations from a main server to its WSPs, it first makes a
connection with the main server over an Ethernet LAN or WAN, via the C-LAN board on the
main server. It logs in to the main server using an “administration” login ID and password
that has already been set up on the main server and specified in ASP Manager. It issues the
save translations command, and if the command is successful, ASP Manager logs off and
disconnects. It then reconnects using the “upload/download” login, and issues the upload
translations command. (If the save translations command fails, ASP Manager will proceed
with the second command only if you have specified that ASP Manager should do so.) The
translations from the main server are uploaded to ASP Manager, and then ASP Manager
disconnects. ASP Manager logs the success or failure of the upload in its log, which you can
view from the ASP Manager user interface. If the translations were uploaded successfully,
ASP Manager keeps a copy before downloading the translations to the WSPs.