Administering Telephone Options
82 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Administrator Guide SIP Release 2.0
L2QVLAN n/a 802.1Q VLAN Identifier (0 to 4094). Null (" ") is not a valid
value and the value cannot contain spaces. This
parameter is preserved in RAM which survives reset and
stored to flash (as L2QVLAN_INIT) only upon successful
registration. This value is initialized from L2QVLAN_INIT
after power-up. This value will not be initialized from
L2QVLAN_INIT after reset, but can be modified using the
ADDR craft procedure.
LANG0STAT 1 This flag defines, whether or not the built-in English is
offered to the user as selectable item in the language
selection UI menu. At least one other language file must
be downloaded, before "not offering" built-in English.
Values are 0=not offered; 1=selectable.
LANGUAGES " " (Null) List of links to language files to be downloaded.
Substrings are delimited by commas. Maximum length is
1023 characters. Each substring shall follow one of the
these naming rules:
A substring is identical to a file name without any prefix
specifying the path or server: The files are downloaded
from the same source as the setting file(s).
A substring can provide a prefix to the file name, which
specifies the relative path ("./" for next higher directory
level) from the directory the settings file(s) has been
downloaded to the directory the language file shall be
A substring specifies the completed URL to the language
file including protocol identifier ("http://" or "https://"),
server and path.
LLDP_ENABLED 2 Flag to enable/disable LLDP (Link Layer Discovery
Protocol). Valid values are:
0 = disabled; the telephone will not support LLDP.
1 = enabled; the telephone will support LLDP.
2 = auto; the telephone will support LLDP, but the
transmission of LLDP frames will not begin until or unless
an LLDP frame is received.
LOCAL_LOG_LEVEL 3 Numerical code of severity level. Store entries to the local
event log, if event occurs with a severity level whose
numerical code is equal to or less than the
LOCAL_LOG_LEVEL value. Values are: 0
(emergencies), 1 (alerts), 2 (critical), 3 (errors), 4
(warning), 5 (notice), 6 (informational), 7 (debug).
Table 11: 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Customizeable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default
Description and Value Range
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