Administering Telephone Options
86 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Administrator Guide SIP Release 2.0
sets the number of Session Appearances.
PHY1STAT 1 Ethernet line interface setting (1=auto-negotiate,
2=10Mbps half-duplex, 3=10Mbps full-duplex,
4=100Mbps half-duplex, 5=100Mbps full-duplex, and
6=1000Mbps full-duplex if supported by the hardware).
PHY2PRIO 0 Layer 2 priority value for frames received on or forwarded
to the secondary Ethernet interface. Set this parameter
only when VLAN separation is "1" (enabled). Values are
from 0-7 and correspond to the drop-down menu
PHY2STAT 1 Secondary Ethernet interface setting
(0=Secondary Ethernet interface off/disabled,
1=auto-negotiate, 2=10Mbps half-duplex, 3=10Mbps
full-duplex, 4=100Mbps half-duplex, 5=100Mbps
full-duplex), and, for post-Release S1.0 use,
6=1000Mbps full-duplex (if supported by the hardware).
PHY2VLAN 0 VLAN identifier used by frames received on or forwarded
to the secondary Ethernet interface. Set this parameter
only when VLAN separation is “1” (enabled). Value is 1-4
ASCII numeric digits from “0” to “4094.” Null is not a valid
value, nor can the value contain spaces.
POE_CONS_SUPPORT 1 Flag to activate Power over Ethernet conservation mode.
Valid values are:
0 = the telephone does not support power conservation
1 = the telephone indicates support of power
conservation mode by transmission of LLDP frames with
appropriate indication in Avaya/Extreme proprietary PoE
Conservation Support Level TLV. The telephone supports
power conservation mode, if requested by reception of
an LLDP frame with Avaya/Extreme proprietary PoE
Conservation Level Request.
Table 11: 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Customizeable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default
Description and Value Range
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