INTUITY AUDIX LX messaging system
Issue 9.1 June 2006 387
INTUITY AUDIX LX messaging system
The process of integrating an INTUITY AUDIX LX system with an Avaya S8300 Media Server
involves a series of tasks to prepare the switch to work with the INTUITY AUDIX LX system.
The procedures for this process are fully documented in INTUITY AUDIX LX Release 1.0
Documentation, 585-313-818. The information is contained in a document with the title INTUITY
AUDIX LX Release 1.0 LAN Integration with S8300 and DEFINITY
ASAI co-resident DEFINITY LAN gateway (DLG)
The DEFINITY LAN Gateway (DLG) is an application that enables communications between
TCP/IP clients and Communication Manager call processing. In more technical terms, the DLG
application is software that both routes Internet work messages from one protocol to another
(ISDN to TCP/IP) and bridges all ASAI message traffic (by way of a TCP/IP tunnel protocol).
The DLG listens for client connections (a specific IP Address) over a well-known TCP port
(5678). The client accesses the DLG's services by connecting to TCP port 5678 at the IP
address of the DLG’s Ethernet interface, which can be a MAPD (TN801B), a Processor
(TN2314), or a C-LAN (TN799). The client then exchanges TCP Tunnel Protocol messages with
the DLG to request a connection to a specific Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) link. The
DLG authenticates the client based on its administration and then establishes or refuses the
connection. Once a connection is established, the ASAI layer 3 messages are transparently
passed through the DLG (that is, the DLG does not process any message content). Each TCP
connection to the DLG has a one-to-one correspondence with a CTI Iink.
The DLG application is packaged either externally on a separate circuit pack (the TN801
MAPD circuit pack) or internally, where it co-resides with Communication Manager. The
externally packaged DLG is referred to as the MAPD DLG, and the internally packaged DLG is
referred to as the Co-Resident DLG. The Co-Resident DLG and the MAPD DLG accomplish
the same basic function (ASAI to Ethernet transport).
The Co-Resident DLG is application software that co-resides with Communication Manager on
the Media Server running Communication Manager. No physical installation or MAPD-specific
administration is required for the Co-Resident DLG. In terms of switch-based connectivity, the
Co-Resident DLG is supported by the following platforms:
● Avaya S8300 Media Server with Avaya G700 Media Gateway
Administration of the Co-Resident DLG is carried out on the switch using the change
ip-services SAT command. When the service type DLG is specified on the IP Services
screen, the DLG administration screen displays. The Co-Resident DLG does not rely on ports.
Port allocation is not required for administering the Co-Resident DLG.
For Avaya S8300 Media Server with Avaya G700 Media Gateway, the Co-Resident DLG relies
on the S8300 Media Server for Ethernet connectivity.