Telephones and adjunct systems
410 Installing and Upgrading the Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300 Media Server
5. Look at the port that the adjunct is connected to and see if there is any traffic.
If not, check all your connections and administration fields.
After you have successfully administered and validated the connection between the adjunct and
the S8300 Media Server through the IOLAN+, you can disconnect the laptop or other PC from
the IOLAN+. No further IOLAN+ administration is required.
** Administrator ** SERVER STATISTICS Terminal: 2
1. port1 Talking to host<DSR+CTS+DCD >DTR+RTS
3. port 3 waiting for DSR or DCD >DTR+RTS
4. port 4 modem waiting for DSR or DCD >DTR+RTS
REM <unknown> logged out
LOG logger not enabled
Press <RETURN> to see list of options.
IOLAN PLUS v4.02.00 a CDi iolan-st