Appendix A - Troubleshooting 152
Let the test run for at least 1 minute. If both slots show no errors, the test was sucessful.
How to Test the Modems
1. In the CyROS main menu, choose the following menu options: DEBUG=> HARDWARE TEST=>DSP TEST.
2. The first parameter will be Number of Modems to be Tested Each Time. Enter the number of modems in your
system. The maximum is 62.
3. The second parameter is Number of Tests to be Performed. Enter zero for continuous tests. Tests can be
stopped at any time with the escape key.
The test will be performed repeatedly until you use the <ESC> key. After each test, results similar to the following
will be displayed on the screen:
*****TEST NUMBER 1 - TESTING 12 MODEMS. ********
Resetting communication ...
Waiting for the lines and the modems ... OK
Allocating modems ... 60 modems connected
DSPs connection timeout
Starting data communication ...
Communication completed!