Chapter 11 - Routing Protocols 97
First, some definitions:
• An Autonomous System (AS) is a portion of the network that will use a single routing strategy. It is made up
of a backbone area and optionally of non-backbone areas.
• OSPF Areas are sub-systems that have identical routing databases. An area generally has no knowledge of
the routing databases of other areas.
• The Backbone connects areas and contains any routers not contained in another area.
• An Area Border Router connects areas and contains a separate database for each area it is contained in.
• An Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR) connects Autonomous Systems. The other Autonomous
System does not necessarily need to use OSPF.
If using OSPF for the first time, sketch the network and determine which routers will make up the backbone and
each area. Determine if each router is an area border router or an autonomous system boundary router.
OSPF Configuration on the Interface
Contrary to most other protocols in CyROS, OSPF must first be configured on each interface, then configured in
the CONFIG =>IP =>OSPF menu. Enter into each interface and set the parameters listed in the table.
Parameter Description
OSPF on This
Activates OSPF.
Enable Inactive
is used to temporarily disable the OSPF protocol
without erasing the parameters set below. This is useful when OSPF is first configured,
as the general parameters must be set afterwards in CONFIG=>IP =>OSPF and OSPF
cannot function without them.
Parameters that apply only when
OSPF on This Interface
Advertise This Non-
OSPF Interface
Causes the router to include this interface in its advertisements through other interfaces
(as an external route).
This table is continued.