4 MPX1000 Extender Installer/User Guide
Default EDID Factory default EDID information stored in an MPX1000 transmitter, which
describes the supported video characteristics of the MPX1000 transmitter
Display Device Video projector, plasma, LCD display, or other display device
EDID Extended Display Identification Data: A Video Electronics Standards Association
(VESA) standard data format that contains basic information about a monitor and
its capabilities, including vendor information, maximum image size, color
characteristics, factory pre-set timings, frequency range limits and character
strings for the monitor name and serial number
Extension Network A generic term denoting an MPX1000 transmitter and all of its bound receivers,
whether wired or wireless
HDCP High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) is a form of digital rights
management used to secure digital audio and video content
Input Media Module Input media module resides in the transmitter and accepts video input from a
source device
IR Blaster Dual IR emitter (part number IRB-100) that connects to the IR(tx) port of the
transmitter or the receiver and converts electrical signals that arrive at that port to
IR signals for control of source and display devices
IR Extension Flow of IR data across the MPX1000 extension network
IR Local Loopback Flow of IR data from the IR(rx) receiver to the IR(tx) port on the same unit
IR Remote Remote control that transmits device control information using an infra-red LED
IR(rx) port An infra-red receive port located on an MPX1000 transmitter or receiver
IR(tx) port An infra-red emitter located on an MPX1000 transmitter or receiver
Media LAN A LAN port on an MPX1000 receiver or transmitter, labelled L2, that serves as a
private wired network for transmission of A/V media
Media Module A modular, field-installable, component that enables transmitter and receiver units
to attach to various types of source and display devices
Output Media Module Output media module that resides in the receiver and outputs video data to a
display device
Primary Display
A display device attached to the primary MPX1000 receiver
Primary EDID EDID information received from the primary display device, which describes the
characteristics of the display device
Table 1.1: System Definitions for an MPX1000 Extender Solution (Continued)
Term Definition