42 MPX1000 Extender Installer/User Guide
Figure 4.10: Serial Settings Page: IR Parameters
Regardless of the IR blaster mode setting, all IR data received by the local IR receiver port on the
transmitter is forwarded to all connected receivers. This IR data will be sent to the IR transmit port
at each of those receivers.
To configure IR control on a receiver:
1. Select Serial Settings from the Receiver Menu, located on the left side of the web page, Figure
4.10 on page 42 illustrates these settings.
2. Choose one of the following IR Local Loopback modes from the drop-down list:
a. Disabled – IR local loopback is disabled
b. Enabled – IR local loopback is enabled
3. Click Apply to save the changes.
Connection Status Monitoring
The Connection Status page on the transmitter displays the operational status of the transmitter and
all bound receivers.
Figure 3.4 on page 30 illustrates this web page. Status content dynamically
refreshes every five seconds. Status table entries are largely common to both MPX1000
transmitters and receivers; however, some functions are specific to transmitters or receivers. The
following table describes the status information that is provided for MPX1000 transmitters (Tx),
MPX1000 receivers (Rx) or both:
Table 4.2: Status Page Information
Tx /
Device Name Both Provides a friendly name for an MPX1000 transmitter or receiver for ease of
identification within the web interface.
Control LAN MAC
Both L1 MAC address (control LAN) of the transmitter or receiver, also printed on an
external label on the unit.
Wired Media LAN
MAC Address
Tx L2 MAC address (media LAN) of the transmitter
Serial Number Tx The serial number assigned to the unit.