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Object 18 – Alarm Control Object
The Alarm Control Object provides information about any alarms which are present in
the HGM. It also provides mechanisms for acknowledging alarms, and for viewing and
setting the Leak, Spill, and Evacuate alarm thresholds for each zone:
Network input variable nviHgmAlarmAck has a single parameter (unsigned short)
which specifies which zone alarm the operator wishes to acknowledge. A value of 1-16
acknowledges the alarm for a single specified zone. A value of 0 is a global
acknowledge for all zones in alarm.
Network input variable nviHgmAlmAckSw is a global alarm acknowledge of standard
type SNVT_switch. It is useful for binding to an Acknowledge pushbutton on a remote
alarm annunciation panel using a network output variable of type SNVT_switch. To
acknowledge alarms, set nviHgmAlmAckSw to value=200, state=1. Depending on the
presentation software, full-scale “value” may be “200” or “100.0”.