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Network input variable nviSetZoneThresh allows Leak, Spill, and Evacuate alarm
thresholds (in PPM) to be set for each monitoring zone. nviSetZoneThresh has four
parameters to be set by the user:
Zone Specifier:
a number 1-16 specifies which zone is having its thresholds changed
Leak Alarm Threshold:
a number 0–65535 PPM
Spill Alarm Threshold:
a number 0-65535 PPM (larger than Leak Threshold)
Evacuate Alarm Threshold:
a number 0-65535 PPM (larger than Spill Threshold)
Network input variable nviGetZoneThresh accepts a single number 1-16 to specify
which zone’s alarm thresholds should be displayed on network output variable
Network output variable nvoHgmAlarmAlert reports whenever ANY gas
concentration alarm (Leak, Spill, or Evacuate) is generated by the HGM. It is of type
SNVT_switch. It is useful for binding to an Alarm lamp on a remote annunciation panel
using a network input variable of type SNVT_switch. When there are no alarms,
nvoAlarmAlert will have value=0, state=0. When there is any alarm, nvoAlarmAlert will
have value=200, state=1. Depending on presentation software, the full-scale “value” may
show as either “200” or “100.0”.
Network output variable nvoHgmLeakAlert reports whenever any Leak alarm is
generated by the HGM. It is of type SNVT_switch. It is useful for binding to a Leak
Alarm lamp on a remote annunciation panel using a network input variable of type
SNVT_switch. When there are no Leak alarms, nvoLeakAlert will have value=0, state=0.
When there are any Leak alarms, nvoLeakAlert will have value=200, state=1.
Network output variable nvoHgmSpillAlert reports whenever any Spill alarm is
generated by the HGM. It is of type SNVT_switch. It is useful for binding to a Spill
Alarm lamp on a remote annunciation panel using a network input variable of type
SNVT_switch. When there are no Spill alarms, nvoSpillAlert will have value=0, state=0.
When there are any Spill alarms, nvoSpillAlert will have value=200, state=1.
Network output variable nvoHgmEvacAlert reports whenever any Evacuate alarm is
generated by the HGM. It is of type SNVT_switch. It is useful for binding to an
Evacuate Alarm lamp on a remote annunciation panel using a network input variable of
type SNVT_switch. When there are no Evacuate alarms, nvoEvacAlert will have
value=0, state=0. When there are any Evacuate alarms, nvoEvacAlert will have
value=200, state=1.