
Introduction H25-IR
10 Instruction 3015-4342
1.8 Menu System
Press the ENT and ESC keys at the same time to access the Main menu.
The menu system enables the operator to perform such functions as setting up the instrument, viewing
logged readings, configuring the four user-defined setups, entering calibration data, and viewing the
instrument’s diagnostic readings.
The buttons on the instrument’s front panel and probe are mapped the same and can be used inter-
changeably, with exception of the CAL button.
Select a menu item by first using the Up and Down buttons to highlight the desired item, and then
pressing ENT to select that item and display its data screen. After an item has been selected, use the
Left, Right, Up, and Down buttons as necessary to highlight and change data within a screen. Pressing
the ENT button saves the new data, while pressing the ESC button aborts the operation and displays the
previous screen.
Main Menu:
SYSTEM System Menu:
LOG GAS TYPE ........................Gas being monitored
SETUPS LEAK UNITS .....................Leak rate units of measure
CAL DATA RELAYS ............................Relay set up for activating external equipment
DIAGNOSTICS LOOP ................................420 mA signal’s mA per ppm loop factor
FACTORY* BRIGHTNESS ...................Brightness level of display
CLOCK ..............................Date and time
PCHK MODE .....................Determines when a pressure check is performed
PROBE BUTTON ..............Selects function of button on the Standard Probe
RESET DEFAULTS ...........Resets user programmable parameters to factory defaults
(calibration data is not changed)
Log Menu:
VIEW LOG .........................View individual logged measurements
CLEAR LOG ......................Clear total contents of log
LOG TOTAL.......................View a numerical total of all measurements stored in log (up to 50)
LOG LIMIT .........................Total accumulated leak setpoint
Setup Menu: SETUP NAME..................Text name given to the SETUP selection
SETUP NO.1 RANGE.............................Sensitivity of instrument (small, medium, large)
SETUP NO.2 GAS TYPE .......................Gas being monitored
SETUP NO.3 FEEDBACK MODE ..........Gas-level feedback (continuous, setpoint, H25C)
SETUP NO.4 SETPOINT........................Gas value for the Feedback Mode & Search Auto
SEARCH AUTO ZERO ....Sets condition when auto zero is turned OFF
Calibration Data Menu:
CAL TYPE..........................Internal or external leak source
EXT RATE..........................Leak rate of external leak source
EXT GAS TYPE .................Type of gas in external leak source
CAL FACTOR ....................Calibration factor
RESTORE FACTORY CAL...Restores factory leak rate calibration (internal leak source only)
Diagnostic Menu:
SENSOR DATA .................Raw data from all sensors
LAST FAULT......................List of all current faults, or last fault
IR EMITTER.......................Infrared emitter’s voltage, amperage, wattage, & resistance
PRESSURE .......................All measured pressures
Factory Menu:
AUTO GAIN .......................Automatically set digital potentiometer (zero gas applied)
DIGIPOT ............................Manually set digital potentiometer (zero gas applied)
LEAK RATE .......................Leak rate of internal leak source
LEAK GAS .........................Gas type used in internal leak source
LEAK TEMP.......................Specified temperature for internal leak source in °C
LEAK TEMPCO .................Temperature coefficient for internal leak source in % per °C
SENSOR CAL....................Pressure, temperature, and flow calibration settings
MODEL SELECT ...............Selects model of unit according to part number
PROBE TYPE....................Selects type of probe connected to instrument
FIRMWARE........................Date firmware was compiled
* The Factory Menu appears only when activated by service technicians who know the correct activation procedure.