Maintenance H25-IR
40 Instruction 3015-4342
5.2.1 Auto Gain
IMPORTANT! The instrument must be sampling fresh air (zero gas) when the Auto Gain function
is selected.
Selecting the Auto Gain function automatically sets the IR Detector’s voltage to its baseline 0 ppm level by
controlling the instrument’s digital potentiometer (DIGIPOT) circuit.
IMPORTANT! The instrument must be sampling fresh air (zero gas) when adjusting the DIGIPOT value.
The DIGIPOT function allows manual and a more precise adjustment of the digital potentiometer, which
controls the voltage of the IR Detector. Use the Up and Down buttons to adjust DIGIPOT value until the
IR VOLT reading is 4.200 ±0.0500 volts. Press ENT to save the new DIGIPOT value.
5.2.3 Leak Rate
The Leak Rate value is set to match the leak rate of the internal leak source as indicated on the tag
attached to the leak source. Use the Left and Right buttons to move the blinking cursor across the screen
to highlight the digit to be modified, and then use the Up and Down buttons to modify that digit. Press
ENT to save the new Leak Rate value.
IMPORTANT! Be sure to enter the leak rate using the same units of measure as displayed on the LEAK
RATE screen. In this example, the units of measure is g/yr. If your leak source is marked in Oz/yr, then
multiply that value by a factor of 28.35. For example: If the leak source is marked 0.9 Oz/yr, then enter a
leak rate of (0.9 x 28.35=) 25.5 g/yr.
5.2.4 Leak Gas
The Leak Gas setting is set to match the gas contained in the internal leak source as indicated on the tag
attached to the leak source. Use the Up and Down buttons to highlight the correct gas, and then press
ENT to select that gas.
5.2.5 Leak Temp
The Leak Temperature value is set to match the temperature of the internal leak source at its time of
manufacture as indicated on the tag attached to the leak source. Use the Left and Right buttons to move
the blinking cursor across the screen to highlight the digit to be modified, and then use the Up and Down
buttons to modify that digit. Press ENT to save the new Leak Temp value.
LEAK RATE 25.5 g/yr
IR VOLT=4.2000
IR VOLT=4.2000
< R402B
LEAK TEMP 0 23.9degC