Video compensation
The ServSwitch CX units allow server systems to be placed up to 50m (160
feet) away and remote users to be extended by a maximum of 300m (980
feet). Such long cable lengths can affect video signals, especially when higher
screen resolutions are used. In order to eliminate any video signal degradation,
all ServSwitch CX units and accompanying ServSwitch CX Remote extenders
provide effective software-based video compensation features.
Two main types of video compensation are provided within the ServSwitch CX
installation, these are:
• Server video compensation - operates on video signals between each
server system and the ServSwitch CX unit. See Server video compensation
for details.
• Remote user video compensation - operates on video signals between
each remote user(s) and the ServSwitch CX unit. See Remote user video
compensation for details.
It is important to note that, providing the cabling arrangements do not change,
the various video compensations need to be applied only once to each server
or remote user link. During operation, control of video compensation is fully
automatic. Please take into account the following when configuring links:
• The ServSwitch CX stor
es a video compensation setting for each server
which defines the level of compensation that is applied whenever the server
is selected. This “server video compensation” setting is to correct for any
video clarity loss due to the CATx cable between the ServSwitch CX unit and
the server’s SAM.
• CATx cables below 10m (30 feet) give very little loss and so it is not normally
necessary to be concerned about setting any server video compensation if
short CATx cables are being used between the ServSwitch CX and the SAM
for each server.
• “Server video compensation” may be setup by typing in the cable distance
in the OSD or, if very fine video adjustment is desired, by observing the video
picture on the local (user 1) port whilst making adjustments.
• If a cascade of switches is being used, server video compensation only needs
to be applied at the master ServSwitch CX.
• “Remote user video compensation” compensates for and CATx cable
loss introduced by the cable between the ServSwitch CX remote and the
ServSwitch CX. The required video compensation setting does not vary as
any “server video compensation” is automatically added as different servers
are selected. This only needs to be setup once during installation.
Overall maximum length between any remote user and
any server system must not exceed 300 metres (980 feet)
300 metres (980 feet)
50 metres
(160 feet)
Remote user
Note: For installations where both servers and remote users require video
compensation, always ensure that the servers are compensated first.
• A third type of video compensation is provided by Black Box ServSwitch
CX remote AS/R extender modules only. This type of compensation is called
Skew adjustment and combats the effect of uneven twisted pairs within link
See Remote user skew adjustment for details.