
APPENDIX C: Command Summary
V.25bis Commands
Command Description
$Vn $V0 returns modem to AT command mode when
in V.25bis mode.
$V1 enables V.25bis mode of operation.
$V2 allows modem to receive one V.25bis
command while in AT command mode without
leaving AT command mode.
$V5 DSR follows DTR in V.25bis mode.
$V6 DSR does not follow DTR in V.25bis mode.
CSPs Changes the serial bps rate.
CSP0300 - 300 bps
CSP1200 - 1200 bps
CSP2400 - 2400 bps
CSP4800 - 4800 bps
CSP9600 - 9600 bps
CSP19200 - 19200 bps
CSP38400 - 38400 bps
CSP57600 - 57600 bps
CSP115200 - 115200 bps
CRNdd Dials phone number dd where dd can be up to
20 characters (0 through 9, *, #, P, T and :). Phone
number is checked against the Delayed and
Forbidden Number lists before dialed.
CRIdd;nn Dials dd same as CRN Command and ignores nn
identification string. The disregard or connect to
incoming calls commands are used for auto-
answer operations.
DIC or CIC DIC stops the modem from answering incoming
CIC causes the modem to answer incoming calls.