APPENDIX G: V.25bis Operation
Listing Delayed Phone Numbers (RLD) Command
When a phone number is dialed by a CRN command and a connection
is not made, the number is entered in the modem's V.25bis Delayed
Number list along with the number of retry attempts. Any further
dialing attempts will be delayed some amount of time (determined by
the regulations of each country). While the delay is in progress, the
modem will give a DLC indication. The list contains eight numbers.
When filled, the next number failing “bumps” off the oldest number on
the list onto the Forbidden Number list. Numbers on the Delayed
Number list that succeed in a connect attempt are removed. If a certain
number of failed attempts occur (the number of failed attempts is
specified by each country), the number is entered into the V.25bis
Forbidden Phone Number List. Forbidden phone numbers cannot be
dialed at all. To list the phone numbers on the V.25bis Delayed Phone
Number List, enter RLD and hit RETURN.
Listing Forbidden Phone Number (RLF) Command
Those phone numbers that have failed to connect the required number
of times as specified by country regulations are removed from the
Delayed Number list and entered onto the V.25bis Forbidden Number
list. Numbers on the Forbidden Number list cannot be dialed at all for
some maximum amount of time, which is also specified by country reg-
ulations. In some countries, the time might be one hour, and in others
the number may never be dialed again. The forbidden list is eight num-
bers long, with the newest number replacing the oldest if the memory is
full. To list the numbers in the Forbidden list enter RLF and hit
Disregard or Connect to Incoming Calls (DIC or CIC)
The Disregard or Connect to Incoming Calls commands are used for
Auto-Answer operations. Depending on the country regulations, your
modem will wait some amount of time or number of rings before an-
swering the call. During that time, you can stop the modem from
answering the call by entering the DIC (Disregard Incoming Calls)
command. The CIC (Connect to Incoming Calls) command will cause
your modem to answer the call (either reversing the effect of a DIC