
Register Unit Range Default Description
S7 seconds 1–255* 50* Sets the time the modem waits
for a carrier signal before
aborting a call. Also sets the
wait for silence time for the @
dial modifier.
S8 seconds 0–65 2 Sets the length of a pause
caused by a comma character
in a dialing command.
S9 decimal 0, 1–127 37(%) Sets ASCII code for remote
configuration escape
character. S9=0 disables
remote configuration.
S10 100 ms 1–254 20 Sets how long a carrier signal
must be lost before the modem
S11 1 ms 50–150* 95* Sets spacing and duration of
dialing tones.
S18 1 ms 0–255 20 Sets duration of time from the
time the carrier signal goes low
and then goes high again as
set up by the &C2 command.
S28 decimal 0, 1–255 1 0 disables, 1–255 enables
V.34 modulation.
S30 1 minute 0, 1–255 0 Sets the length of time that
the modem waits before
disconnecting when no data is
sent or received. A value of
zero disables the time. See
also the \T command.