
3. The Network Connection Type dialog box is displayed offering several
connection options. Select the option which best describes the type of
connection you are creating with this definition.
Figure C-7. Network Connection Type dialog box.
Click Next>.
The process for completing your Dial-Up Networking connection will vary based
on the connection type selected in the previous step.
If you select Dial-up to private network and have only one modem installed:
a. The Phone Number to Dial dialog box is displayed. Enter the phone number
of the computer, network, or Internet Service Provider (ISP) to which you are
connecting. Click Next>.
b. The Connection Availability dialog box is displayed. If you are creating this
connection for multiple users, select Create this connection for all users. If
this connection will be used only by you, select Create this connection only for
myself. Click Next> to continue.
c. The Completing the Network Connection Wizard dialog box is displayed. You
are prompted for a name to use for this connection. Enter a meaningful
name in the box provided, then click Finish.