Displaying the Route on the Map
Touch the Show button to display
the entire route on the map.
The map is displayed.
The route is highlighted in blue.
The specifi ed route points are
identifi ed by fl ags.
Simulation (demo mode)
Touch the map.
A selection menu appears.
Touch "Simulation".
The route is automatically travelled
and driving recommendations are
to end the simula-
tion, otherwise the simulation is
The simulation distance must be
less than 100 kilometres.
Specifying Route
In the Routing options menu, you can
defi ne the speed profi le of your vehi-
cle, select the type of routing and ex-
clude certain streets from usage. The
route options remain valid for each
destination guidance until the next
change of the route options.
In the Navigation menu, touch the
Settings button.
The Settings menu displays.
Touch the
button to scroll up
the list by one page (3 elements).
Touch the
button to scroll
down the list by one page (3 ele-
To scroll up or down the list by sev-
eral pages,
touch the corresponding button
In the Settings menu, touch the
Routing options button.
The Routing options menu dis-
Route Planning Specifying Route Options
Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 47Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 47 18.10.2006 15:05:28 Uhr18.10.2006 15:05:28 Uhr