In the Speed limit menu you can de-
fi ne whether speed limits should be
displayed during the navigation and
whether you should be warned au-
dibly if you are exceeding the speed
• Display signs
Touch the Show traffi c signs but-
ton to change between the modes
Show traffi c signs: Always, On
speeding only or Never.
• Warning in a town:
– The Warning in urban areas
button shows the level of the
speed-reading at which you are
audibly warned inside of build-
up areas.
Touch the Warning in urban areas
button to change the value or to
set it to Never.
• Warning outside of towns:
– The Warning outside urban ar-
eas button shows the level of
the speed-reading at which you
are audibly warned outside of
build-up areas.
Touch the Warning outside urban
areas button to change the value
or to set it to Never.
– Activate the Warning button to
receive an audible warning.
Touch the OK button to save your
Your settings are accepted and
displayed on the map.
Map Display during Destination Guidance
Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 60Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 60 18.10.2006 15:05:30 Uhr18.10.2006 15:05:30 Uhr