RAID Subsystem DVA-08K | Installation Manual Subsystem Connection and Operation | en 41
Bosch Security Systems F.01U.027.797 | V2 | 2008.08
5.5 Power Off Procedure
If you wish to power down the subsystem, please follow these steps:
1. Stop I/O access to the system
Stop all I/O accesses from the host computers to the subsystem. Please refer to the
related documentation of your host applications and operating system.
2. Disconnect the host
The host must be disconnected from the subsystem. To do this, disconnect the cables
from both the host and the subsystem.
3. Flush the cache
Use the “Shutdown Controller” function to flush all cached data. This prepares the RAID
subsystem to be powered down.
4. Turn off the power
Turn off the power switches at the power supply modules. Once the RAID subsystem has
been powered down, other devices that are connected to the subsystem can be powered
If you wish to power down the subsystem, please ensure that no time-consuming processes,
like “Regenerate Logical Drive Parity” or a “Media Scan,” are running.