If the two values coincide, the total resistance is acceptable
(impedance test) and the electric circuit is satisfactory. If the
actual value is less than the set value, this indicates that the
electrical resistance in the external circuit is too high. The cause
must be found e.g. adhesive electrode too dry, skin resistance
too high, broken cable.
After the impedance test, leave in the mA
position (current
flowing at the tip of the needle indicated and a + sign in front
of the current displayed) until the block is successful.
9. Set an actual current of approx. 1 to 2 mA and advance the
needle further until the first muscles supplied by contractions
occur in the nerve sought. Then, while reducing the current,
advance the needle to the nerve until the recommanded thres-
hold current. (For values see, for example, literature references
4, 7). The threshold current to be achieved depends on the pulse
width and the geometry of the conductive tip of the needle.
Warning! When using Stimuplex
or Contiplex
needles, it must
be noted that muscular contractions with a current of 0.2 to
0.5 mA and a stimulus duration of 0.1 ms - with a current of
0.05 to 0.2 mA and a stimulus duration of 1.0 ms - indicate
satisfactory proximity to the nerve sought. Any further reduc-
tion in the ”threshold currents” may cause direct contact of
the needle with the nerve, resulting in the danger of a me-
chanical nerve lesion.
If needles from other manufacturers are used, the threshold
currents may be much higher. You would have to work out
these yourself.
10. After clearly visible muscular contractions are seen using the
desired threshold current, inject local anaesthetic.
The response to the electrical stimulation will reduce or disap-
pear within a few seconds after an injection of 2 - 3 ml. If this
effect is not definite, do not continue to search for the nerve
at the same location. For safety reasons, a more peripheral site
should be used.