Setup Information
$ADC: ADC resolution
4096 Channels
0 LLD (lower level discriminator channel)
3967 ULD (upper level discriminator channel)
Integral Live Time, Real Time,
Integral (sum of all counts within a ROI)
Area (sum of all net counts within a ROI)
10000 Value
1 ROI number
266 332 ROI begin and end (optional line, depend on the application)
$PZC_VALUE: PZC Settings
1232 DAC adjustment value for PZC (0..2499 mV)
15 Pre-defined time parameter for PZC adjustment
15 Pre-defined time parameter for PZC adjustment
$FAST_DISCR: Fast discriminator level
400 Factory setting for auto threshold
$SLOW_DISCR: Slow discriminator level
400 Factory setting for auto threshold
$THR: Threshold value (%)
2 % of ADC channels; 2-60 % possible
$GAIN_VALUE: Amplifier gain
200 Coarse gain (2...1000)
1.0261 Fine gain (0.5000...1.5000)
$DTC: Shaping Time
1, 2 µs
4.0 Actual shaping time
$INPUT: ADC input source and polarity
Amplifier Amplifier (internal main amplifier),
Direct (+3V, -3V), direct input with full range amplitude of 3V
Neg pos or neg (amplifier input polarity)
$PUR: State of the Pile Up Rejector (PUR)
On ”on” or ”off”
$STAB: Stabilization
On ”on” or ”off”
230 ROI limits of the stabilization peak
300 Stabilization target channel
$STAB_PARAM Stabilization parameter
10 Stabilization time
25000 Stabilization error
$POWER: Preamplifier power supply
+12= on ”on” or ”off”
-12= on ”on” or ”off”
+24=off ”on” or ”off”
-24=off ”on” or ”off”
$HV: High voltage polarity and value
+500V Value
Unused HV Inhibit Mode
3 1 and 2 µs are the shaping time of a standard MMCA. By use a modified MMCA: 1 = low shaping time, 2 = high shaping time
4 The actual shaping time (only written by newer applications)