Description The command reads the MMCA system data.
Parameter -
Results array 0 integer
Byte Offset 2 Peak detect counter 48 Bit integer
Byte Offset 8 0 integer
Byte Offset 10 Fast detect counter 48 Bit integer
Byte Offset 16 0 integer
Byte Offset 18 Peak detect counter at time-1 48 Bit integer
Byte Offset 24 0 integer
Byte Offset 26 Fast detect counter at time-1 48 Bit integer
Byte Offset 32 Busy Time [ms] at time-1 long
Byte Offset 36 MMCA on Time [s] long
Byte Offset 40 Real Time [s] of previous sweep long
Byte Offset 44 Dead Time [ms] of previous sweep long
Byte Offset 48 Start time of previous sweep long
Byte Offset 52 0 long
Byte Offset 56 Elapsed sweeps long
Byte Offset 60 Busy time [ms] of previous sweep long
Byte Offset 64 0 integer
Byte Offset 66 Peak detect counter of previous sweep 48
Byte Offset 72 0 integer
Byte Offset 74 Fast detect counter of previous sweep 48
Byte Offset 80 Counter of stabilisation steps long
Byte Offset 84 Current stabilisation offset integer
Byte Offset 88 Maximal negative stabilisation offset integer
Byte Offset 92 Maximal positive stabilisation offset integer
Byte Offset 96 Counter of received commands long
Byte Offset 100 Counter receive errors long
Byte Offset 104 0 integer
Byte Offset 106 Last command flag integer value
Byte Offset 108 Last command parameter 1 integer value
Byte Offset 110 Last command parameter 2 integer value
Byte Offset 112 Last command parameter 3 integer value
Byte Offset 114 Buffer state
Integer value