WB : Matching the Light Source _
The function adjusting the coHortone so that white objects Hookwhite in
the picture is caHHedwhite baHance (WB). NormaHHy,the <_> (Auto)
setting wHHobtain the correct white baHance. HfnaturaH-Hooking coHors
cannot be obtained with <_>, you can seHectthe white baHance to
match the Hightsource or set it manuaHHyby shooting a white object.
Press the <A WB> button.
_y,,[White balance] wiHHappear.
Select the white balance.
_ Press the <_> key or turn the
<_> diaHto seHectthe desired white
baHance, then press <_-_>.
_ The "Approx. ****K" (K: KeMn)
dispHayed for the foHHowingwhite
baHance settings <_>, <_:_>,
<_>, <_> or <_> is the
respective coHortemperature.
_-"._Custom White Balance
Custom white baHance enabHesyou to manuaHHyset the white baHance
for a specific Hightsource for better accuracy. Do this procedure under
the actuaHHightsource to be used.
Photograph a white object.
_ The pHain,white object shouHdfirththe
spot metering circHe.
_ Focus manuaHHyand set the standard
exposure for the white object.
_ You can set any white baHance.
Spot metering circle