Handy Features
® Silencing the Beeper (p.166)
® Card Reminder (p.166)
® Setting the image Review Time (p.166)
® Setting the Auto Power-off Time (p.167)
® Adjusting the LCD Monitor Brightness (p.167)
® Creating and Selecting a Folder (p.168)
® File Numbering Methods (p.170)
® Setting Copyright _nformation (p.172)
® Auto Rotation of Vertical images (p.174)
® Checking Camera Settings (p.175)
® Reverting the Camera to the Default Settings (p.176)
® Turning the LCD Monitor Off/On (p.179)
® Changing the Shooting Settings Screen Co,or (p.179)
® Setting the Flash (p.180)
® Automatic Sensor Cleaning (p.184)
® Appending Dust Delete Data (p.185)
® Manual Sensor Cleaning (p.187)