
Thank you for choosing the Canon FAX-B155 Bubble Jet
facsimile. The compact,
upright design of the fax means it takes up less space in your work area. The bubble
jet print mechanism uses cut-sheet plain paper, so you get crisp reproductions of
your fax documents and copies.
The FAX-B155 has a number of features that make it ideal for small to medium-
sized offices with a single telephone line.
Plain paper
The fax accepts A4, letter, and legal size cut-sheet plain paper for crisp reproduction
and faxes that are flat and easy to write on.
Automatic switching between fax and voice calls
The fax recognises incoming fax calls, and automatically switches to receive mode.
Automatic dialling
A variety of dialling methods allows you to register frequently used fax numbers and
phone numbers and access them by pressing one or a few buttons.
Error Correction Mode (ECM) TX / RX
Automatically helps correct transmission errors due to system and telephone line
Delayed transmission
Sends a fax automatically at a later time, for example, at night when telephone rates
are lower.
360 dpi copy mode
Lets you make copies at 360 × 360 dpi.