Registering Storage Servers and Camera Servers
The following options are available via the Storage Servers tab:
Add Storage Server - Allows you to register a
Storage Server with the system (up to three is
Edit - Allows you to change the address of the
selected Storage Server.
Select a Storage Server from the tree in the left panel. The right panel will update with a list
of Camera Servers recorded by the Storage Server you selected.
Other functions in both sub-windows
Camera server functions are located on the right-hand panel regardless of which tab is
Find Camera Servers - Allows you to initiate a network search for unlisted camera
servers on the LAN.
Add Camera Server - Allows you to add a new Camera Server to the system.
Edit Camera Server - Allows you to edit an existing Camera Server’s settings.
Remove Camera Server - Allows you to remove a Camera Server from the system.
Storage Server and Location / Zone options
Click and drag divider line to the right to reveal full values.
The following options are available via the Locations / Zones tab:
Add Location - Allows you to add a new location to
the system.
Add Zone - Allows you to add zones to locations.
When you select a zone within a location in the left panel, a list of cameras in that zone is
displayed in the right panel.
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