Configure Normal Recording
Add/Edit Schedule Item dialog - Recording Settings field
This section of the dialog allows you to set flexible parameters for recording. You can record
a Camera Server continuously at 1 frame per second and, for example, set recording to
increase to 30 frames per second when motion occurs. This allows efficient use of disk
space while allowing higher frame rates when events occur.
To set the camera’s recording parameters:
Step 1: Set the recording frames per second
Click the Continuously at
max box if you want to set
continuous recording for the
duration of the time period.
Select the number of frames per second from the drop-down menu, from 0.1 to 30. 5
frames per second is the default. Alternatively, enter a custom setting by selecting and
typing over the current setting.
Step 2: Optional: Select recording based on a motion or sensor event
Click the On motion
detection box if you want
recording activated when
motion is detected during this
time period.
Click the On sensor event box if you want recording activated from a sensor during
this time period.
Click the Settings... button to modify the settings for each of these functions, other-
wise the previous or default settings will apply.
When the load on your computer CPU and hard disk is high,
recording at the specified frame rate may not be available, or
the video recording may be interrupted.
When selecting a higher frame rate, make sure you have
enough hard disk space for your recorded video. Higher
frame rates result in larger file sizes (see Appendix B).
The frame rate specified is the frame rate that the Storage
Server will attempt to record. Factors such as the number of
Viewers, network traffic and load on the Camera Server and the
Storage Server may reduce the actual frame rate recorded.
Also, the maximum frame rate for a VB-C10 configured with
a resolution of 640 x 480 is 10 frames per second, and for a
VB150 with 4 cameras is 2-3 frames per second.
Configuring Recording Schedules